Wisher Vodka Is Making Big Waves Through Technology

Wisher Vodka is Jet packed and ready to take off. Last month, Wisher was found on the cover of The Wall Street, featured in LA Weekly in January, and now, featured in Forbes magazine this week. They have been recognized across at least 7 countries and coast to coast in the USA included in other publications in the NFT, cryptocurrency, metaverse, gaming spaces and more. Why is this small start up, woman owned, liquor brand earning so much attention?
Wisher Vodka recently launched their vodka brand only 3 months ago yet they are making big waves across the nation in the spirits industry. They sold 100 cases before they ever stepped foot in a retail outlet when they offered their vodka through an NFT purchase out of their virtual distillery. They have been recognized for their pioneering approach in the Web 3.0 where Alex Terry leads up the technology forward aspects of the brand.
Not only is their pioneering marketing approach being noticed, but Wisher is gaining approval in the connoisseurs of vodka for this super premium, quality craft taste as well. Cofounders Kimberly LaRose and Emily Gillis-Terry recount their “Lavern and Shirley” moment shared when they were at the distillery putting the first bottles onto the conveyor to be filled.
Using a unique recipe, distilled from sugar beets offers unmatched flavors and character. It awards a delightfully boisterous beginning and ends with a quiet finish and a note of sweetness to linger. While it is a low calorie, sugar free vodka the sugar beets lend to a natural, slightly sweet taste that is of a sippable quality.
This woman powered brand is forging forward with unmatched speed in the industry, but they take the time to make sure the quality is maintained, and the beets and bottles are USA harvested. Their sugar beets come from family farms of North Dakota, their bottles are branded in Pennsylvania and printed in Michigan. Then the vodka is brought to life in Florida. This Maryland based brand is available now in MD and DC for restauranteurs, liquor stores and cocktail lounges. They also ship direct to consumer in 42 states.
Wisher strives to be a palette approved vodka that invites all to enjoy. Each batch is lab tested to confirm it is gluten free, grain free, and corn free. Wisher is created with only the purest ingredients that fit this bill. They use only gluten free, grain free, and vegan ingredients and processes when making Wisher Vodka, making it one of the most inclusive products on the shelf. Cofounder Kimberly LaRose, who has Crohn’s disease, along with Emily Gillis-Terry created Wisher Vodka with this in mind. “Wisher is a beverage I can feel confident consuming and bringing to a party for everyone to enjoy”
For more information or to schedule a tasting email sales@wishervodka.com